Drinking the Emptiness Away

Drinking the Emptiness Away Kerala is a communist state. Off licences and cinemas are all run by the state. Education is a priority. This leads to the highest literacy in all of India. All this leads to very well educated taxi drivers and others in a state with low levels of employment, the only buoyant economic sector being tourism: medical, dental and general. People in Kerala swear by the system and the Communists are voted in every time. Old man with Communist heroes in the background The religious traditions stand in stark relief to this programmatic ideology and in wild contrast to western progressive thinking. Men hanging from hooks inserted into the skin. The Indian authorities claim to ban activities like this but appear to turn a blind eye to it since they are present to police it. This is the second time I have attended the festival. Oddly, no one will tell me its name. Does anyone know its name? This is the Power of Now. There can't be...