
Sihanoukville Many people seem to be enjoying this post. Thanks everybody for reading; there are 4 more Viet posts up ahead and another one soon to come. I am only here for five days. I haven't been near the ocean for two and a half months. And these days I am a swim fan. So it's a wonderful moment. Thing is there's going to be very little to say here. I'm going to eat, sleep, read and swim. I'm sure I'll find something to reflect upon. Sokha beach, Sihanoukville Cyrstal blue waters. Perfect white sand beaches. Sokha beach in Sihanoukville. Sokha beach is completely private with its own guards. I still go there and hang out, where the locals do, at both ends of the beach. I may just make this post a photo essay and a very lazy one at that. Just to say that Sihanoukville was the scene of the last battle of the Vietnam war in 1975. The city was only formed in 1960. The tourist strip is grotesque but Sokha beach is protected from ...