Who Will Run the Frog Temple?

"Selamat Datang" to readers from Kenya, Venezuela and New Caledonia "Freedom" sung by Anthony Hamilton and Eleyna Boynton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bdOTUocn5w Indonesia KLM are a solid airline. When the aircraft landed at Denpasar airport in Bali they put this over the public address system. 'Happy' by Pharell Williams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_75VGPxUPI A Dutch guy, in his late middle years started dancing and who was I to leave him alone in this noble endeavour? Pretty cool from KLM and the other passengers seemed to enjoy the spectacle. * When I pointed out to the groundsman of the property where we stayed the animal mess on the doormat he said, matter-of-factly, 'Civet cat.' The false feline probably getting her own back for its domestic cousins being force-fed coffee cherries while incarcerated in a cramped cage on a farm somewhere in appalling conditions....