This is England

This is England Winter Country Town Empty Skies When cycling the cold roads under these skies with a bottle of blackcurrant juice and a banana I listen to a playlist on my iPod. Rhythmic music works best since it segues with cycling cadence. "Twilight" is one of my favourites. Twilight by Frankie Beverly and Maze Current reading : Teach Us To Outgrow Our Madness by Kenzaburo Oe The Shining by Roger Luckhurst The Interrogation by Jean Marie Gustave Le Clezio Listening to: My God is Blue by Sebastien Tellier Cold, bright meadow Winter River It is difficult to describe what one feels looking at a scene like this (without breaking into nature poetry). So I'll let Benjamin Britten do it with the help of a precocious American child. Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra Op 34 from the Henry Purcell. If you ...